Our Partnerships

DG Digital Health has developed through collaborations with a number of organisations. These include:

 HMA Designed Solutions      Yorkshire & Humber Academic Health Science Network

   Local Enterprise Partnership (Leeds)     National Institute of Health Research    CYPMedTech

Although initially evolving through our work with Type 1 Diabetes, we are developing to support other long-term conditions which similarly suffer from a lack of effective digital support.

We have an underlying social aim of supporting DigiBete CIC, a not-for-profit company dedicated to providing digital resources to help children & young people with Type 1 Diabetes and their families. To date, this has involved developing and gifting them with the DigiBete App, to help with their sustainability and assisting them with funding support. We will also provide further digital technology development to enhance their resources and ongoing financial support through donating a proportion of our net income.